tersangat bosan nih tadi sorang2,tade keje,so take the pic, haha ;D
listen ;)
I can't go any further than this
I want you so badly its my biggest wish
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, im really missing missing you
And all those things we used to used to do
Hey boy, whats up it use to be just me and you
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, im really missing missing you
*conversation with me and mastura (lesbo partner) :
mas:yes babe?
nedy:oi,kambing u kat ne?
mas: kolej laa,why? ok tak ni?
nedy:damnly bored! tolonggg!!
mas: haha,padan muka, bf manee??
nedy:huh? no comment
mas:haih..ok chill,this sunday jum leypak,mau?
nedy: nak2!! katne? pkul bape? sape lagi?
mas:hamboi2,laju! me,u,dyan,and sape2 jela yg u suke,hahah
nedy:whatever! but, tgah gile sangap shisha ni! ambek i kat kolej please..now!
mas:sorry sayang,kereta zul pakai..bosan sangat dah ey?
nedy:aaa..bosan! mentang2 ade boyfee! bestlaa.. blah laa,merajuk!
mas:hahah,ok2,tomorow balek kl kan? i pick u up kat cheras k? anything u wanna do i teman,kite shisha sampai lebam yeh?then jalan2 mane2 u nak,clubbing or what,i ikut jee ey sayang?haha
nedy:yay! sayang u lebey! muax2! esok ambek ptg ey?(dengan suara yg seriously macam kanak-kanak yang riang) :DD
mas:yes darla,dont werry,see you tomorow ok?if bosan,text me k,tau!haha,gile gay!
nedy:pale otak u ! haha,bye!muah2!
hang up*
huu,esok balek..yay!tasaba!hmm seriously im really2 bosan plus2,tatau nak wat ppe,gile2 feel lonely,kebas saket td pun tak hilang lag,nak menanges,menjerit and all :(( im alone :( eeerghh! finas MISHYEW, pika *t**,ainul rindu awak! cepat ballek laa..:(( sangat lapar,tp saya tade selera, tolong.. :(
Labels: xoxo. alyna
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