n e d d a | n e d d y

actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)

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cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Sunday, January 3, 2010


hoy,relieeff!! erk! alhamdulillah :)) settle dah..wuu. sedey? of course la, but cheers to me because i can handle it with a smile :)) hmmm.a big special thanks to my kambing belaan sharul, haha. ko best ah wey.and mas thank syggs because you cheer me up.hee.benda nak jadi kan, its a fate.so, accept it. i believe ade hikmah for all this things happen :) it make me more matured lol, ngee :DD. being back to normal, being nedy back.

im wish that, i wanna be nerd, haha.can?buku buku and buku. about love or something i wanna put aside.later laa, it twice babyy..big lesson to me.whoa!! haha.okayy..
haa,next week was my last week at bluewave.which mean on friday was the last day i kerja, then, on 13rd reg day da pon..been gain a lot of experience i get in this semester break, phew! credit to me because you can handle it alyna :DD

to feenas : jgn lupe 9hb neyh tau!
to hafizudin: nnti kite lypak!
to shahrul : nt naek unisel ko kene blnje aku!! :DD
to ainul : miss u lesbo!