
tak ade kerja.
oh, haa. tiba tiba terjumpa my lil cousie which umur dye i tak ingat, around 6 kot. enta. she add me based on fariq my cousie punye profile since we all comment2. haih budak kecik ni ade facebook sudah. LOL. tiba2 she add me and say " kak syasya! kenapa guna nama nedy? "lol. my lil princess, that my name jugak laa :) oh, this lil princess is so makcik kepoh. haha. jangan lah mengumpat depan dye, habes kau nanti. dye sangat celoteh i tak terlayan dye punye mulut bila start ber story :D her name is puteri nuramira, if i not mistaken laa. me,fariq,hery and abg wadie ( which they all sume brotherhood, and my cousie) bila berjumpa, nak mengutuk sape sape in front of her, we have to use bahasa rojak which, chinese,bm and english. haha. ouh my lil princiee, kak syasya missed you laa makcik kepoh :))
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