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actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)

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Location: johor, johor

cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Sunday, May 9, 2010

heylo nedy :)

heylo peeps! been gila malas lately nak update blog.why? asek dc jek and tade mase sbb sedang final.LOL. ok, bngun around 11am something afta 3x faiz called. ahaha,suda janji dengan beliau and feenas untuk lunch togetha since kami suda lama tak leypak same. and, damn hujan weh! pagi2 hujan!! damn! feenas sure sedang bergaya atas katel. hahaha damn you sang keding. hahha. then lunch dengan faiz, balek bilik stdy for operaring system. by 4.30pm off to adzlyn house study os punya calculation. ok, both of us was like, weh. wtf ni! 14 chapter and blablabla.damn!! and thank alynn coz helping me tadi :) nanti aku blnje kau shisha ok? ahahah. then mummy called ask for the house thingy and all. adeh. nanti laa ma, balek kita discuss ok? :) and hepy mothers day mama:) love youu ♥ :) balek bilik makan, and study sikit for os. macam nak teedo awal then bangun tengah malam nanti nak study. huuuu. 14 chapter wey! mati :( damn. tak target A or B or C, just nak lulus jek! pleaseeee :( esok pergi library,stdy for past year paper pulak. haih!

weyh! bosan! migrain last two day tak elok lagi pehal ni? damn! ape aku makan! bongok! jangan buat hal weyh! please laa wahai kapla hotak.. :\