heylo, im back !! currently in JB for a week sebab mid term break and yes, i do missed my room like fucking much! saket pingang + panas teedo kat ruma sewa. i missed my pillow, teddy, blanket, AC and all !! hee !! special thanks to my angels intan hafizah & shaeera akwa cuz datang berbuka with your adek ni, hee ! and also, thanks to you mr faisal cuz sending me to bukit jalil, haha. thank you sepet !! kau baek !! agak excited nak balek but then tiba2 sedeh plak, wuuu. why? ok first thing first tadi masa nak balek, my sisters asked to stay, balek esok but i really cant cuz i've lot things to do today, then, rindu fit !! hmm. oh, yeah, we are not couple ok, but we are close to each other, ehem! haha gedik! :DD

sesungguhnya saya mengalami alahan kulit yang sangat teruk lately ni, haih! sangat perlu berpantang makan yer aleyna, jangan nak maen bedal jek kau. huuu. :( tak saba nak tungu rambut panjang and i think i wanna to extend my hair lah, can? tapi mahal, haih! tade bende free ke weh kat dunia ni! grrr !! ok, tadi sahor dapat makan SAMBAL UDANG MAMA !! terbaek wokk!! wehuuuuuuuuuuuuu!! saya tak makan nasi, tapi membedal sambal udang semata mata end up, hidung gatal and me act like monyet tergaru garu -.-" skin alergic tak baek lagi dah gatal miang nak makan seafood !! pedulik hape! yang penting aku PUAS! HAHAHA ok penat, bye.
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