n e d d a | n e d d y

actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)

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Location: johor, johor

cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Friday, February 26, 2010

pissed o f f

ok,rasa nak maki jek kau neyh,pakkal la kau kawan aku,siall!!! tq pikah,u there when i need someone to talk with,sambel menanges tak tahan geram bebel2 kat pika,aah!menanges!bukan sebab aku sedey ke hape!tapi aku geram! macam longkang punya orang!sedar weh ko dgn aku tu hape!jangan fikir kau da bagus sangat bole?kau neyh bajet tau tak! dari last year aku sabar jek dgn perangai kau and mulut kau yang tak reti respect others !! aku mls nak ambek kesah sebab tak de kena mengena dgn aku,but now!kau dah melampau !!! fuck laaa kau !!! sial, grrr!!!

im not a robot that could be okay in 24hours :\ tq.

this week im not goin anywhere,just stay in the hostel in this fucking unihell,whatta bored weekend huh? pfftt! i have to,because theres a lot of assgments need to be done and suppose im goin back to jb petang tadi,but hmmm,takpelaa,next time. i've asked mama to post all the doc that i need for my loan.adeh. papa?alhamdulillah :) he's getting ok, amin :) tadi otp with him like almost 1hours ++ (sempat kne membebel sebab i get fever) adeh,saket pon kene bebel jugak ke daddy oii :D oh yea,i've got such a fuckin crazee fever and flu this week.alhamdulillah it getting ok :). satu badan saket2 taley begerak,kepala pening,asek termuntah,takley kene panas,tekak perit,tekak pahit,asal makan kelua balek,hidung panas,takley tido lena,takley conctrate in class = saya menjadi sangat mengada-ngada bila demam,! dat y i hate bila demam. called mama mengadu merengek bagai,hahaha. mas called,merengek at my bff too, they asked me to balek jb,but its ok, i can handle it, berdikari konon. hahahaha. haktuih ;p ngee..

this week such a killer week, lot of work need to be done ASAP. terkejar kejar with the loan bagai.pfffft!hmmm.lotus,kesian kau kat sana.duh,im worried bout you.bertahan ok?u almost there..dont be easily give up! i know u can do it! im believe in you dear :)) bertahan,sikit jek lagi.. dah nak final izit? sabar k? please dont give up !! im here for you if u need someone to talk with or wana share anything apa-apa pun, ok? :)

nedy :)
oh,im totally in love with park jung min