n e d d a | n e d d y

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Location: johor, johor

cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ouh, miss shireen :'(

sigh. poor miss shireen ouh. kesian sangat2 we all tenok dye tadi. dye baru baek dari demam denggi which i guess agak teruk laa, last two weeks sampai masuk hospital and icu bagai. then, harini dye berkeras nak buat class, she is our lec for Management Information System. sangat2 teruk okay, she have to sit down and suara pun macam tak terkelua jek nak mengajar but dye kuatkan semangat jugak teach us chapter10. e commerce, she said chapter ni penting, she asked us to stdy sendiri since dye tak bole nak teruskan lagi tadi. just 30mints class! kesian kan? haih. everyone was like senyap and staring to her yang tunduk kejap2 masa mengajar, tarik nafas untuk teruskan and all. haih, miss you better have a rest, enough rest. kami kesian tengok miss, even ada lah jugak yang menyampah dengan class ni sebab class ni mlm and hari selasa is the busy and pack day ever for this faculty student, sigh ;\

habes class, jumpa my team for our final stage presentation. decided jumaat by9pm jumpa kat cafe and discuss. while zam,sam,jem and bell tahan me and feenas for invite us for choose ki( kejuruteraan industri) for our majoring nanti, lol. or mis(management info system). adeh! the diff is, ki is more to design and create something, how to control blablabla which more to guys laaa, while mis, you have to expert in JAVA, expert in programming, damn! i hate JAVA! lol. but it more to ladies la, cuma we have exppert in programming thingy. wadoyay! feenas was like" kenapa kita ambek kos ni aleyn?" and me" jom mati" hahaha.

haa, since today habes cepatt, bole la saya tengok asmarada by 10.30pm kat tv3 :)) bahahha. gay? pergi mati! cerita tuh best okay! i like! i like! haha.
oh yea, for HCI punya project, damn! last minute baru dapat tawu we have to make paperwork and report bagai. haaa, bertambah lagi kerja! yea! i like laa miss ;\ for the design, dah email kat fara, up to her la nak decide macam mane, im out of idea nak create your web duh. banyak kerja, since syafiq dah give up. wuhuu. best, semua in the mood of tekanan :)) haha.