n e d d a | n e d d y

actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)

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Location: johor, johor

cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Saturday, May 15, 2010

yeay !! i am 21 !! :D

whoa! yeah, i am 21! wohooo!! :D weeeeee. great. balek shah alam with firdhaus since he wanna go back, i ikut sekali and then sampai ruma ambek kau, kena mandi tepung + telo + serbuk kunyit + nescafe + kilatkilat :D hahaha. cam kanina. i tot ruma tade org but then haaa. ambek bahagian! weeeeeeee. thank you laa :) hahaaa. ok then duduk ruma jek. no party no this and no that. saya taknak :) online, ym-ing and then since i dpt free call, call la semua org, heeeeeee. on the phone with firdhaus then, i tot i wanna buy a vcd, then he said "jom la nak carik vcd kan?jom g bli" masa tuh around 3am kot, damn. and i was like "ok,tapi u kene naik atas ruma i, i takot nak naek lif time2 camni" hahhahhaha. ambek kau, naek laa kau kan. sampai kereta i pun tell him bout the 'experience' i had last month. damn! then afta we buy vcd at subang, i told him to teman i naek lift and dye takot! hahaha. he said that "td i naek pun i da rase smcm, knp laa u cite mok? malm jumaat plak. wrong time laa weh u cite" hahahha. ok, kau pon penakot ek kicap? hahahaha. damn. kalau laa si bulu and yg laen tau, best! hahahah!! then balek ruma teedo and ok sehari suntok wa teedo bai. damn. tot nak per gi carik elmo, harapan jee laaa :D oh,i really want elmo :( pffft! then malam, kuwa with my hosemate mkn kat nilai. semata mata nak mkn pau kacang, hahaa. gilaaaa. ok, i hate this, im bout to get demam, shit! simptom2 da ade, panas dalam, tekak panas, kepala peneng, saket badan hampir flu and hakcum hakcum :\ -.-