Location : In the car :)
p/s : just back from bangi, otw to class frm sg buloh wif nani :D
Location :
In the car, otw go to clinic p/s : gatal mkn benda bebukan perut memberontak, sempat lagi snap! -.-
Location :
Purple cafe, BB p/s : haha tak puasa, teeeetttt !! :p
Location : LT, FITM p/s : Software engineering mid term test. Habes awal so sempat
snap kejap :))
Location : Pavilion
p/s : kereta kene langar, amir cool, tengok SALT and aku tawu
sangat oily gilaa muka kan? pfft! -.-"
Location : JAVA lab
p/s: sumpa masa ni dah bosan tahap gaban facing coding -.-"
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