n e d d a | n e d d y
actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)
About Me
- Name: nedy
- Location: johor, johor
cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
webcammy with Love one :))

im was webcammy with my beloved mama ♥ ♥ :)
aww! rindu you la maa. suddenly my mom text, jom webcam :)
and i was like? haa? serious? yee laa, awak ingat ur ma tak reti ke?
ok ok, jap. then yes, webcammy :))
sekejap je sebab tgah stdy she said just wanted to see her daughter, dalame tak tgok.
awww, sedeh sekejap :"( loveyou mummy :) muahx muahx ♥
sempat bergosip sekejap. weeee :)
mom's and daughter. kami kawan baek kan mummy :)
loveyou ♥
aww! rindu you la maa. suddenly my mom text, jom webcam :)
and i was like? haa? serious? yee laa, awak ingat ur ma tak reti ke?
ok ok, jap. then yes, webcammy :))
sekejap je sebab tgah stdy she said just wanted to see her daughter, dalame tak tgok.
awww, sedeh sekejap :"( loveyou mummy :) muahx muahx ♥
sempat bergosip sekejap. weeee :)
mom's and daughter. kami kawan baek kan mummy :)
loveyou ♥
sigh :\
pergi HCI lab class with hujan bagai and malas nak kene air pakai kasut without stoking again. actly tak jumpe stoking. da lambat nani dah called suro cepat bagai. haih si garfield ni laaa. letak berudu kat mate cepat2 then capai bag, capai cardigan (tak sempat nak sarong pun), capai kasut, tutop pintu and cepat2 turun tangga sambel pakai cardigan terkocoh kocoh. nani bongok !! erghh. then, sampai dlm kete nani said "weh, tadi amcam kuiz islamic?" and i was like "haa?" kau tak dtg eh? and i was mengangguk angguk kepala and papp! nani ketok kapla aku dgn buku, "duh,tadi ade kuiz bodo, hosemate aku btao" LOL, me and feenas sedap bantai tido kot kat ruma. feenas dtg masok kete and i ask her bout the kuiz and she was "tao, tp mls nak pergi,kuiz jek kott" aah, yee, kuiz jek. huhu. lab as usual, bored. find the websites, briefly and all. done, terus hanta while feenas and nani lembap tak siap siap. mengacao makhluk dua ekor tuh then kami pergi mkn kat PP. starving bodo. ergh, hujan, gegel kaki waa beb tak makan dari semalam. hm. then, dapat berita maybe class for tonite cancel sbb miss shireen suspect dengue :) bukan suka sbb minah tuh dengue ok, suke sbb tade class, weee! tp tak cnfirm laa. afta mkn, off to monyet house at taman ilmu ambek buku and pergi fact tggu kepastian berita. whoa! suddenly syamsul gave a text class cancel :)) tengah texting with monyet mase tuh, and terus ckp class tade and he asked me to accompany him dinner kat bb. tnggu dye mandi while me nani and feenas leypak kat cafe jumpe faez sekejap bincag the iklan project and nyet datang im off to BB makan. yes, clash with the titans 3D nak kuwa this thursday and mo tgok jugak tak kire! nyet ajak tgok, this thursday otw we want goin back to KL, yeay! tgok muvieee :) nyet, kau nak blanje kan kan? :D
special thank to shahrul azrin aka monyet and syafinas hashim aka feenas, sbb bejaye buat aku
tegelak :) and thank angel, mastura arip. sayang kau weh my sis :) muchy ♥
and i will put my self busy after this, no more maen maen and all. dah banyak sangat buang masa maen maen. i cant satisfied sume org. saya tak perfect, terima kaseh.
esok ada mid term HCI (theori), Mr Khusyairi punye subject which, lelaki yang feenas dok gilakan. :\
pergi HCI lab class with hujan bagai and malas nak kene air pakai kasut without stoking again. actly tak jumpe stoking. da lambat nani dah called suro cepat bagai. haih si garfield ni laaa. letak berudu kat mate cepat2 then capai bag, capai cardigan (tak sempat nak sarong pun), capai kasut, tutop pintu and cepat2 turun tangga sambel pakai cardigan terkocoh kocoh. nani bongok !! erghh. then, sampai dlm kete nani said "weh, tadi amcam kuiz islamic?" and i was like "haa?" kau tak dtg eh? and i was mengangguk angguk kepala and papp! nani ketok kapla aku dgn buku, "duh,tadi ade kuiz bodo, hosemate aku btao" LOL, me and feenas sedap bantai tido kot kat ruma. feenas dtg masok kete and i ask her bout the kuiz and she was "tao, tp mls nak pergi,kuiz jek kott" aah, yee, kuiz jek. huhu. lab as usual, bored. find the websites, briefly and all. done, terus hanta while feenas and nani lembap tak siap siap. mengacao makhluk dua ekor tuh then kami pergi mkn kat PP. starving bodo. ergh, hujan, gegel kaki waa beb tak makan dari semalam. hm. then, dapat berita maybe class for tonite cancel sbb miss shireen suspect dengue :) bukan suka sbb minah tuh dengue ok, suke sbb tade class, weee! tp tak cnfirm laa. afta mkn, off to monyet house at taman ilmu ambek buku and pergi fact tggu kepastian berita. whoa! suddenly syamsul gave a text class cancel :)) tengah texting with monyet mase tuh, and terus ckp class tade and he asked me to accompany him dinner kat bb. tnggu dye mandi while me nani and feenas leypak kat cafe jumpe faez sekejap bincag the iklan project and nyet datang im off to BB makan. yes, clash with the titans 3D nak kuwa this thursday and mo tgok jugak tak kire! nyet ajak tgok, this thursday otw we want goin back to KL, yeay! tgok muvieee :) nyet, kau nak blanje kan kan? :D
special thank to shahrul azrin aka monyet and syafinas hashim aka feenas, sbb bejaye buat aku
tegelak :) and thank angel, mastura arip. sayang kau weh my sis :) muchy ♥
and i will put my self busy after this, no more maen maen and all. dah banyak sangat buang masa maen maen. i cant satisfied sume org. saya tak perfect, terima kaseh.
esok ada mid term HCI (theori), Mr Khusyairi punye subject which, lelaki yang feenas dok gilakan. :\