heylo !! Morning peeps !! Have a blast one! It's june! First june baby! wohoo. sudah setengah tahun dah !! wohooo!! feel sooo greatttt :) hope that june will brings more and lot of fun and good thingy, amin :) yeah! its mean dah nak naek sem, my 3rd sem. focus nedy focus. remember your goal. your dream. cepat2 habeskan degree and then fly over! wohoooo. fly over into the good thingy and catch my dreaaammmm :D since saya sudah 21, ehem ehem, hihihi. ouh okay. i feel glaaaddddd. i do love my life! loooveee it so much. alhamdulillah. semalam i was ym-ing and skype-ing with my loviessss. skype-ing and ym-ing both berwebby bagai. phew! my laptop screen was full of 4th person faces! hahaha. muka masturah, faiz, kerol and ayie. hahaha, naek jemu dah pandang muka makhluk2 ni. hahaha. then, ym-ing with si bulat gemok kembang perot besa. hahaha. damn you! carik wc esok! tak adil asek i jek kena webby! damn you budak perot! ;p ayie, goodluck suprise esok! ayie bout to celebrate his gf befday today. nak buat suprises bagai. and he drag me to buy this and that. suprise just for dia and love dia jek. awww! sweeett! ayie sudah jadi bunga wehhh. cant imagine! i was like, hah? betulke? okay2, i help you ayie! gugugu, beriye2 belajar buat blueberry cakes and decorate this and that. penat semalam me and ayie carik the perfect basket and flower and alas ape tah konon2 like english style and all. wohooo! so sweeet! go ayie go! :)