n e d d a | n e d d y

actions speak louder than anything so,shut d fuck up yaw ;)

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Location: johor, johor

cuai / panic / blurr / mengelabah katak / hantu RIBENA mobile / ELMO-mo / shopaholic / camwhoring /aergic to bullshit/ -neddanedy

Monday, May 3, 2010


this what we called gila nak mampusss... hahahahahaha!

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship with Shahrul Azrin

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship with Nedda Nedy

i got a mission guys, hahaha. temporary SAHAJA ok! so please dun gossip-ing macam kewaks sangat ok? by 19th may, tukar balek. BAHAHAHAHA!!. thank you my bussiness partner, shahrul azrin, kau best ka nyettt :D