okay. skip classes coz of some reason. then hati tasedap tiba2 pasal mara coz i need to get the KP chop and have to print my picture and all to the borang. Called HEP (tq adek topupkan akak ) then they said that MARA still have 3 quota left! OMG! mengelabah, find 1001 solutions fo me to get into unisel with my weak-ness condition yg sumpah memerlukan imunine :( Syuk! tq so muchy! He sent me over uni coz dye pon de class on 430pm. Imagine, i have to rush macam nak gila before HEP tutup. Settel get the chop, off to PICT get my pic but they asked me to find pendrive pulak. mengelabah again, and thanks feenas bg semangat! haha ok then tanay semua org ada pendrive tak (nk kejar masa gila babik) semua takde. Luckily jumpa vampire, asked him and he gave me his pendrive. kelam kabut pergi PICT then terus pergi FSP by walking cepat2 sebab nak print BUT they saud tabole sbb nk kene guna glossy paper. PP! i have to go dere. Sumpah, kaki dah shaking sangat2. Damn! Atat called and hampir nak nanges otp with her, she said wait there and she's coming with her bike :) then we off to PP print2 then off to HEP. The ooficer check my doc then, DAMN! tak lengkap! i lupe bawak my ic photocopy, mum's and dad's blablabal. Org tu ckp, tingal satu jek dek kosong. Macam nak nges saya masa tu! :( hanta atat balek hostel while me rush balek kampung geledah barang then off to HEP again. Phew! Dah submit :) alhamdulillah. Then masa nak pergi kat parking moto, i realised that my matrix card holder DAH TAKDE! damn! tinggal tali. patah balek ke HEp carik, but tajumpe! kat situ ada IC, matrix card Degree and foundation and ATM card. *supersigh*
Seriously nak menanges. Then pergi ruma atat. Me and her carik al the way i pergi and balek ulang alek but tajumpe! called mama then kene bebel. called papa he said calm down n blabla. Then mama called again and asked me to do this and that. police report and all. Also remind me bout the F thing -.-. Balek sangat lah takde mood while HP battery mati, takde credit call sane sini. Tak makan2 dari semalam. then takde mood! -.-
Fit called around 6.45pm something but my phone mati, he buzz me tru my fb chat and im open up my phone and otp sekejap with him. Then, campak hp terus online. Mama called malas nak angkat! sape2 jek la! -.- Saket kepala then tidur kejap with perut sangat memekak. Bangun wat keje siapkan. texting with fit and my friens ajak pergi makan.hmm. Around 1045pm faisal called ajak leypak minum. Phew! pergi pp draw, leypak minum with them balek ruma, online, texting, off to bed. Otp with fit then konon2 nak teedo but, tabole. onlinelah kauuu.
BTW, rumah ni sangat banyak lah nyamuk berkeliaran! saya benci nyamuk! kulit sensitif! Fakkk!
i dun have any mood right now.
blah and go away!